Veenavaadhini recently showcased two chamber concerts. First was a vocal concert by Vivek Sadashivam and second was a Veenai concert by Revathi Sadashivam, of Bangalore. Vivek began with an Adi [...]
Veenavaadhini recently hosted a fabulous chamber concert by Veena Vidwan Sri P Vasanth Kumar, accompanied by Sri Umayalpuram Mali on the mridangam. The first word that came to mind after [...]
A hectic quarter of the year began with Guru Purnima Celebrations featuring two veena chamber concerts, one a duet by students Jayash and Manash Ramanathan of Tampa, Florida. They impressed the [...]
Veenavaadhini recently presented two veena chamber concerts as part of Tribute To Trinity series. Concert #1: Kum HR Meenakshi – Veena (Student of Veenavaadhini), Sri Sajeev – [...]
TRINITY UTSAVAMSri Ramdas Menon, alumnus of Sri Guru Guha Gana Vidyalaya, Kolkata, presented a very neat concert based on the theme of Trinity Compositions on 4th May, 2008. Right from the [...]
Celebrating the festivals of Thai Pushyam and Shivarathri, we were treated with a delightful concert by veteran vocalist Shri K. Rama Rao. He was accompanied on the violin by Smt Thiruvarur Balam [...]
November 3, 2007 we hosted a veena concert by senior Vidushi Smt Kalpakam Swaminathan. It was a special occasion for us as Kalpakam Mami is a disciple of our Parama Guru Brahmasri A [...]
Monday, September 10, 2007 Celebrating the festivals of Varalakshmi Vrata and Gokulashtami, we hosted two chamber concerts on 26th August, 2007, with the following themes: 1. Varalakshmi [...]
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 We invited Shri Poorna Pragna Rao to present a chamber concert on May 14, 2007 with emphasis on Syama Sastri Compositions. His accompanying artists were, Shri Madurai [...]