The Veena Foundation and Indira Gandhi National Council for the Arts came together once again this year to celebrate the Veena Navarathri in Chennai with a series of Veena concerts for nine consecutive days. Shri Raghurama Ayyar is the person behind this veena movement so to speak, and his enthusiasm is driven by his passion for the instrument. Karthik Fine Arts, Narada Gana Sabha and Parthasarathy Swami Sabha supported this endeavour. The theme of the festival was Guru-Shishya Parampara and gave us the opportunity to showcase our disciples.
Veena Venkatramani, student of Veenavaadhini, performed at the Veena Navarathri. This picture of hers that appeared in The Hindu Friday Review edition of Chennai and copy of the report is given below:
“The finale to the series came with young Veena Venkataramani playing to the percussion of Ramkumar another youngster. “Ekathandam” in Bilahari, “Kanja dalaya dakshi” in Kamalamanohari and “Saraswathi vidhiyuvathi” in Hindolam were her selections.”
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